Jump afbeelding voor Beyond the Border

Beyond the Border

4 juni 2020

0 deelnemers Openbaar

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Donderdag 4 juni 17:00 tot 18:00
online 1 www

Voor wie en met welk doel?

Jump Movement from The Netherlands and CKH Network from Bangladesh join hands with people on all continents, delivering a global meetup moment, weekly on Thursday.

You can join! Through the Jump Movement method, we will connect, we will share, and we will gain confidence and take action steps to better our lives or our work (or what is left of it).

It is a simple way to connect and engage towards a common direction. It is been used in teams to create engagement and alignment. Now we want to offer it to the world to have ‘a taste of the soup’.

Register here




Georganiseerd door

Profiel foto Ineke  Hurkmans
Ineke Hurkmans

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